Parkhurst Financial Services

Hope Fund Sponsor

ARCHway believes in recovery from the disease of addiction.

Parkhurst Financial Services Investment Strategies, logo, ARCHway Hope Fund Bronze Sponsor

Parkhurst Financial Services is a Cleveland based financial services firm, with clients across the country. We focus on developing long-term relationships with our clients and endeavor to assist them in reaching all their personal and financial goals. Our goal for every client is to help them realize their own dreams while
building a legacy for future generations, if desired.

You can find more information about our firm, services, and team here: 

We chose to start an ARCHway HOPE fund because we have clients who either personally or have had family members struggle with addiction. We want to support organizations that assist in the recovery process and provide education about addiction.

ARCHway is grateful to Parkhurst Financial Services for their continued and much needed support.

James H. Parkhurst, CLU, ChFC, Jon J. Parkhurst, CPA, CFP®
Parkhurst Financial Services – 10950 Pearl Rd, Ste A6 – Strongsville, OH 44136

Registered Representatives, Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC.  Investment Advisor Representatives, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser.  Cambridge and Parkhurst Financial Services are not affiliated.

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