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ARCHway understands because we have been there too.

Are you or a loved one struggling with an addictive disorder? Do you feel lost and alone when searching for treatment and other recovery resources? Have you lost hope in the possibility of recovery?

ARCHway understands because we’ve been there too. Almost all of those working in and around ARCHway have been directly affected by a substance use disorder either personally or through watching a loved one struggle with these disorders. We know the struggles you are facing, and we want to provide the strength and hope that recovery is possible.

If you have not reached out to one of ARCHway’s Advocates for HOPE, please reach out today. An advocate will contact you as soon as possible.

To our friends seeking recovery:

Listen and take suggestions. Recovery is not easy. It takes work — sometimes scary and always hard work. Others have done it, and there are many in your corner including ARCHway who want to help you and see you do well. Recovery is not easy, but it is worth it, and you are worth it. Check out ARCHway’s Stories of HOPE HERE.

To our fellow caregivers:

You can’t force your loved one to get better, but you can offer resources and opportunities for them to get better when they are ready to work on their recovery. Don’t give up on your loved one. Arm yourself with options for treatment, because the window to get your loved one into a place is small. When your loved one comes to you, you’ll want to act. Once they are admitted to the treatment provider, it is the treatment team’s job to help them see and feel they need to be there. Advocate for your loved one.

The ARCHway Institute for Mental Health and Addictive Disorders was created with the following goals:

  • graphic of hands shaking with phrases and words of support and inclusionTo provide financial and clinical resources to individuals from our community who are affected by mental illness and addictive disorders and are desperately seeking treatment that they cannot afford;
  • To educate individuals, their families and the community at large through town hall meetings, symposiums, lectures on prevention and the advances made in the understanding of mental illnesses and addictive disorders and how evidence-based treatments allow both diseases to be treated with minimum disruption to work and family; and,
  • To reduce and eventually eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and addictive disorders through evidence-based treatments that allow patients to lead healthy, normal and productive lives through long-term sustained recovery.
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