Everyone is impacted directly or indirectly by alcohol and drug addiction diseases.
1/3 of all households are dealing with alcohol and drug addiction diseases.
1 in 10 people have an alcohol or drug addiction disease of which 1 or 2 seek treatment.
Of people seeking help in 1 in10 have access to treatment.
The main barriers to getting treatment are financial resources or lack of access to treatment centers.
Individuals, families and communities need information on appropriate and successful evidence based treatment .
We cannot arrest our way out of the problem of addiction.
70% of people incarcerated are because of alcohol or drug addiction diseases.
It costs the tax payers $35,000 per inmate per year,
Over 95% of all federal and state money used for treatment and medical research for Alcohol and Drug Addiction is used to build and maintain more prisons.
Prisoners that do not get treatment during their stay will have an 80% chance of being reincarcerated within one year of their release.
9 out of 10 prisoners who get treatment are not reincarcerated or Only 1 in 10 prisoners who get treatment are reincarcerated.
80% of juvenile court cases are drug related.
The ARCHway Institute is a 501(c)3 organization registered in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and North Carolina.
ARCHway Institute Areas of Focus:
ARCHway Institute will help reduce the stigma associated with alcohol and drug addiction through education and awareness for individuals, families and communities.
ARCHway Institute will provide resources (financial and informational) to individuals, families and communities to help remove barriers for those who want to get into a recovery center
ARCHway’s Beliefs:
People can and do get better with the proper support programs
Preventative programs through education of individuals, families and communities
A network of knowledgeable friends to support caregivers and individuals with an alcohol or drug addiction
Treatment while incarcerated
Evidence based treatment programs (a combination of medical help and therapy)