Matt and Megan Boggs

Hope Fund Sponsor

ARCHway believes in recovery from the disease of addiction.

Matt & Megan Boggs HOPE Fund Sponsorship

In 2022, Matt and Megan Boggs celebrate 10 years of recovery, so the two agree that starting a HOPE Fund is the perfect way to honor that monumental anniversary.

Matt and Megan have been ARCHway supporters for a few years now. Matt recently joined ARCHway’s Community Coordination Committee, and now, the two are excited to put their efforts together and contribute to the ARCHway HOPE Fund, the organization’s main agent to provide financial assistance to help eliminate financial barriers to long-term recovery.

“Never forget where you came from,” Megan shared when discussing the couple’s desire to start a HOPE Fund. Today, Matt and Megan live in Florida with their energetic and loving daughter, Peyton, and their three furbabies. They both have successful careers, hobbies, and a life they are proud of. However, they were once broken. Having both battled with substance use disorders, the two shared that were the people who needed the funding for treatment, recovery housing, and other recovery services. 

Matt shared the financial struggles he and others faced. He mentioned how vital recovery housing was to his personal recovery, but as with everything, it came with a price. He shared that often, individuals are able to get into recovery housing initially, but by the time they are able to establish a job and get that first paycheck, they are at least two months behind in their rent. Catching up while making minimum wage can be an overwhelming obstacle. Through this HOPE Fund, Matt and Megan want to help in eliminating that financial stress on individuals early in their recovery.

“We understand the financial strain that substance use disorders and treatment can put on an individual and on the family,” Matt said. “This is one way to pass on what was freely given to us.” Megan added, “Our lives today, both personally and professionally, are because we found recovery. It is just an honor to be able to help others.”

This HOPE Fund is not only a celebration of Matt and Megan’s 10 years of recovery, which coincidentally, coincides with ARCHway’s 10th year of service! This HOPE Fund is, also, an act of service and their way of giving back. It is part of the legacy they want to leave behind.

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