Sunrise Rotary Club of Chapel Hill-Carrboro

Hope Fund Sponsor

ARCHway believes in recovery from the disease of addiction.

Chapel Hill Carrboro Sunrise Rotary Club (North Carolina) Partners with ARCHway Institute for Addictive Diseases & Co-Existing Mental Health Disorders to fight the Diseases of Alcohol & Drug Addiction

Back in 2016, these two organizations teamed up to help fight the disease of addiction both locally and nationally. Together they wanted to fight the STIGMA attached to this disease which keeps so many people from seeking professional help. They also wanted to raise funds to give out as scholarships both locally and nationally to individuals who wanted to be in a treatment program or structured aftercare program but could not because of financial barriers.

Rotarian Dave Stuckey came up with the concept of running a Helicopter Golf Ball Drop. It would both drive awareness locally while being a national event because individuals did not need to be present to participate. From 2016 to 2019 the event raised over $50,000 with about 400 to 500 participants a year. During that time this $50,000 would have impacted around 100 individuals through scholarships.

“Two of the most critical needs facing our community and our nation are Mental Health Support and Addiction Awareness.  The Chapel Hill – Carrboro Sunrise Rotary Club supports ARCHway and other organizations that are committed to bringing awareness to these issues and addressing them head on.”
Aubrey Vinson
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Sunrise Rotary

“We cannot thank the Sunrise Rotary Club enough for not only their hands-on commitment in running this event, but even more important is their community leadership in fighting this disease. One out of ten individuals over the age of 13 are dealing with a drug and alcohol addiction disease and one out of three families are dealing with a loved one with this disease. It is going to take entire communities to help everyone effected.”
Dan Stuckey
ARCHway Institute

Chairman of the Board

You can join in the fun by purchasing your golf balls in this year’s event by going to the Golf Ball Drop page.

The Rotary vision is to harness the great power of friendship to help do the world’s work.
Paul Harris (Founder of Rotary)

Who is the Chapel Hill Carrboro Sunrise Rotary Club?

“Service above Self” is the Rotary motto. In line with this motto, we, the local Rotary club in the Chapel Hill and Carrboro area, participate in various local, national, and international service projects. In addition to making donations, we are very hands-on: We love to get involved and work with our own hands. Learn more about our club

Making a difference

How often have you seen a real need in the world and felt powerless to change it? Rotary is all about identifying these needs, finding ways to meet them, and providing the means and the resources to act upon the needs! Rotary focuses on six overarching needs: Promoting peace, fighting disease, proving clean water, protecting mothers and children, and supporting education and local economies. We invite you to browse around our website to learn about the projects that we support, both locally and internationally to meet the needs of the world.

Read more about our Rotary club by clicking here.

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