News Articles
News and Events

Colton Baker speaks at Stomp Out Addiction Walk
ARCHway's very own, Colton Baker, spoke at the Stomp Out Addiction Walk over the weekend at Faith Lutheran Church in St Louis, MO. The event was held to bring awareness, education, and support to community members around the opioid epidemic. Proceeds from the event...

Glenbeigh-ARCHway Golf Event Wrap-up
Sept. 26, 2019: What a fantastic day for the 7th Annual ARCHway-Glenbeigh Charity Golf-Dinner-Silent Auction. Hemlock Springs Golf Club in Geneva, Ohio helped put on a perfect event.The event cleared over $7,000 which will be used by both Glenbeigh and ARCHway as...

Addiction Symposium Wrap Up
September 24, 2019: The ARCHway Institute participated in an Addiction Symposium hosted at Ohio University on the Marion Campus. ARCHway teamed up with the ADAMH, OSU Marion, Marion Technical College and Marion-Crawford Prevention Program to put on this very engaging...

Clam Bake Raises $7,000 for Scholarships
September 7, 2019: What a fantastic evening we had as Glenbeigh and ARCHway Institute celebrated National Recovery Month by putting on a Clam Bake in Rocky River, Ohio. More than 85 people attended the event that raised over $7,000 which will be used to help...

RCO Symposium, Ft. Myers FL
John Stuckey, Mike and Debbie Strobl and Mark Shields attended the RCO Symposium on June 15th, 2019 in Ft. Myers, FL
NCADA – St. Louis Area and ARCHway Institute Announcement
"NCADA – St. Louis Area" and the ARCHway Institute are thrilled to announce a new collaboration.ARCHway is a nonprofit has a strong presence in the St. Louis area and is dedicated to reducing the stigma associated with alcohol and other drug dependence,...

Dr. Fred Rottnek joins the ARCHway Board
March 28, 2019: ARCHway is pleased to announce that Dr. Fred Rottnek, MD MAHCM, has become our newest member of the ARCHway Board of Directors. ARCHway strives to have a very diverse set of skills and experiences on its Board and Staff. Dr. Rottnek is a great...
ARCHway Institute donates to “Addiction Recovery Initiative”
March 8th and 9th, the ARCHway Institute teamed up with Charlotte Behavioral Health Care and the Sheriff's Office to run the 1st Annual Charity Tennis Mixer and our 5th Annual Charity Golf Scramble at Twin Isles Country Club, (Punta Gorda) with the purpose...

An Amazing thing happened at the PGCC BOB
On Feb 13, ARCHway officers Dan & Jan Stuckey were the hosts and speakers at the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce Business Over Breakfast (BOB) in Punta Gorda. Dan & Jan spoke about how ARCHway is working in Charlotte County to help families and...

Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Results – Dec 1, 2018
2018 ARCHway Institute, Chapel Hill - Carrboro Sunrise Rotary Club & TROSA Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Results This note is going out to the 550+ people who have supported this event over the last three years. We cannot thank you enough. This year we had 367 entries...
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