Sept. 26, 2019: What a fantastic day for the 7th Annual ARCHway-Glenbeigh Charity Golf-Dinner-Silent Auction. Hemlock Springs Golf Club in Geneva, Ohio helped put on a perfect event.

The event cleared over $7,000 which will be used by both Glenbeigh and ARCHway as scholarships to help individuals who want to be in a treatment program for their disease of addiction but currently cannot due to financial barriers.

A special thanks to Glenbeigh’s Gary Seech who gave a very emotional and thought-provoking talk at dinner.We would like to take a second and thank all the volunteers, participants, Tee Box Sponsors and Gift Sponsors/Donations.

The 8th Annual ARChway-Glenbeigh Charity Golf Event is already scheduled for September 10th, 2020 again at Hemlock Springs Golf Club.

Fighting the Stigma

One of ARCHway’s Missions is to change the STIGMA tied to the disease of addiction that impacts individuals both seeking professional help as well as their on-going journey of recovery.

Glenbeigh Regional Director of Operations, Gary Seech, recently spoke at an ARCHway Charity Golf Event about the reality of this STIGMA and how we need to keep fighting to change this STIGMA through educating communities. He feels that families and individuals who share their personal stories and journey will have the biggest impact.

ARCHway has and continues to document many individual’s story of HOPE which can be read at or you can subscribe to an entire series of HOPE Stories by going to