Prevention, ARCHway Event: Pre-registration Materials

Prevention Virtual Event graphic


Join us on Tuesday, July 28, at 11:30am CST / 12:30pm EST.

You’ll hear from 3 fantastic speakers on the topic of Prevention. 

They will discuss a variety of topics including early warning signs for parents, taking a proactive approach to prevention, and general prevention tips and techniques. 

Thank you to… 

Jessica Wong, CPP – National Director of Youth and Patient Care Network with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation 

Kelly Prunty – Co-founder & Executive Director of Addiction is Real

Jenny Armbruster – Deputy Executive Director of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (NCADA)

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 856 5016 1574

Password: 426726

Pre-registration Materials

Here is the information we promised, that compliments the event topic.

Have Questions? EMAIL US HERE

ZOOM 101: How to Attend a Zoom Meeting

A day or two prior to the meeting, please sign up for a FREE version of Zoom by:

  1. Going to
  2. Click on the orange icon in the upper right corner of the screen that says “Sign Up, It’s Free.”
  3. It will ask for your birth date followed by your email.
  4. Zoom will then redirect you to your email. Register by creating a password followed by a domain, which is your email.
  5. From there you can practice meeting.

A few minutes before the meeting start time, click on the provided zoom link.

If asked, input the meeting ID and the Password

A new screen will open. Then, a pop-up will open. Click “Open Zoom Meeting”

Click “Join with Computer Audio” and you should be all set to watch and listen.