ARCHway Institute is a blessing to the whole recovery movement! It is still a “best kept secret” because people are not familiar with their work. However, that needs to change. The word needs to spread – and the sooner the better!
That is what is so amazing about ARChway Institute – they care, they understand, they “get it” and they are action-oriented.
Jane Pfefferkorn
Executive Director
Mission Missouri
2018 Hope Fund Campaign:
Mission Missouri
Jane shares her feelings about the current addiction epidemic and available resources to those dealing with this disease. She also shares her thoughts about how ARCHway is helping change the Stigma associated with this disease.
ARCHway Institute has been a strong supporter of both programs at Mission Missouri.
To learn more about Mission Missouri and their programs, please go to their Facebook Page at
More from Jane Pfefferkorn:
ARCHway Institute intervened with our organization to provide support so that we can continue to meet the needs of men and women who are seeking recovery. Without their willingness to reach out to Mission Missouri, we would have had an unnecessary struggle, another barrier, to the work that we have been called to do.
That is what is so amazing about ARCHway Institute – they care, they understand, they “get it” and they are action-oriented.
The doors that a person seeking recovery has to navigate can be overwhelming and often difficult to access – ARCHway made certain this ‘door’ remained open and readily available to the men and women who need immediate access and long term relationships to overcome their disease. Mission Missouri will find a way to be a blessing to ARCHway Institute because they have certainly become a blessing to us! Mission Missouri has a 22 year history of this work and we are now connected to statewide organizations such as the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers, Missouri Recovery Network, and the Missouri Credentialing Board, as well as being a partner and provider for Department of Mental Health, Department of Corrections, and others. ARCHway Institute must be connected to those statewide voices and providers as well…..the lives of men and women throughout Missouri will be changed for the better!”