Overcoming a lifetime of incarceration and 23 years of substance use disorder, Jimmy McGill has beat all odds and is living his best life! Click HE
RE for a glimpse into Jimmy’s Story before grabbing a copy of his recently published book, “From Prison to Purpose,” which is a detailed account of his journey to sustained recovery. He also recently launched his “From Prison to Purpose” podcast, which you can listen to HERE. Jimmy’s list of accomplishments in his recovery is long. Jimmy is the Executive Director of Next Step Recovery Housing and former Director of Peer and Recovery Services for the state of Arkansas. He is not only an advocate for recovery, but also an advocate for peers and the vital work that they do to help people recover. He is a founding member of the SAMHSA Region 6 ATTC/MHTTC Peer Support Committee and Chairman of the National Reentry Association of Professionals. He developed the Department of Human Services Peers Achieving Collaborative Treatment Program and spearheaded the development of the Arkansas Model of Peer Recovery. We are excited to welcome Jimmy McGill to the ARCHway staff as the Executive
Director of The National Peer Recovery Alliance (NPRA). Jimmy is a founding member of NPRA, so he has been involved since NPRA was first developed in 2020. He is passionate about the peer workforce, and he is eager to get started in this new role. We are excited to see all that NPRA is able to accomplish in 2024 with Jimmy McGill at the helm!