“She said she usually cried at least once each day, not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful…and life was so short.”
Bittersweet, by Brian Andreas
So, you ask, why Bill and Sheri Crittendon are becoming involved with the ARCHway family?
We feel it is not a question of “why” but rather our affirmation for “Why Not”…because life is so short and we wish to extend our hearts and hands toward those dealing with drug addictions.
Having known Jan and Dan for more than 36 years, we have followed their family expansion and had many occasions to watch their children grow and mature. When their son John was having problems with serious addictions, we felt their pain, anxiety and helplessness as they struggled to figure out how to give him support and hard love.
We felt helpless also and wished there was something we could do, but had no experience to bring to the table. When John started the long recovery process, and the relief and joy felt by Jan and Dan became so palpable, we were thrilled. They kept us informed of their efforts to bring Archway into the fight for other people’s addiction. Attending their first Archway Golf event at Hemlock Springs GC in Ohio made us realize what wonderful things they, and especially John, were doing for the cause. The people we met who were supporting Archway and benefiting from it made a permanent impression on us.
Being in our 70’s, celebrating 50 years of marriage together, having navigated many bumps in the road of life, we realize that life is short and we must make each and every day count, moment by precious moment.
Getting involved with the ARCHway Institute means we can give to others….loving hands and understanding hearts, forgiveness and encouragement, to help them get back their healthy minds…to make their lives meaningful again and ensure they can choose to fulfill their dreams clearly, and become positive contributors to society.
If there is a way for us to help and spread the word among friends and our local community of Montrose, Colorado, and attract others who will support this worthy cause, we are all in. Our hearts are in it, we are very proud of John and his team and we will do our best to help.