Year-to-date, ARCHway has awarded over $38,180 in grants to increase access to treatment and recovery for those impacted by substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders.
During Q3 of 2021, the executive committee was able to award grants to the following recovery-oriented systems of care. Read more about how these organizations will be utilizing their ARCHway grant.
Harvest House – Sarasota, FL.
Harvest House serves homeless families, veterans, youths ages 16-24, and adults with a history of incarceration and substance abuse. This grant was utilized for an individual who was behind in their rent and was at risk of having to leave Harvest House. With the ARCHway grant, the individual was able to continue with services.
Oxford House Mahi – Cape Coral, FL.
This grant was utilized for recovery housing for an individual who was in need of financial assistance.
Surrender House – Cape Coral, FL.
Surrender House is a certified sober living residence in Southwest Florida that is passionate about creating safe and structured homes in order for one to recover peacefully. This grant was utilized for recovery housing for an individual who was in need of financial assistance.
PreventEd – St. Louis, MO.
PreventEd works to prevent the harms of alcohol and other drugs through education, intervention, and advocacy. The funds provided support school-based prevention programs and provide adult assessment and referral services through PreventED.
Glenbeigh – Rock Creek, OH.
Glenbeigh provides the highest quality care to adults with alcohol and drug addiction. For individuals and families whose lives are affected by addiction, Glenbeigh provides the tools needed to transform their lives. Glenbeigh’s program follows a philosophy of care based on the belief that chemically dependent individuals can develop a lifestyle that is not oriented toward or dominated by chemical use. They provide inpatient treatment, extended residential treatment, outpatient treatment, and specialized treatment programs. This grant will be utilized to help individuals in need of financial assistance access treatment at Glenbeigh.

The women at Next Step Recovery Housing thank ARCHway and Rhonda Jackson with the Nathan Jackson HOPE Fund for the September Recovery Month grant awarded in Q3
The women at Next Step Recovery Housing thank ARCHway and Rhonda Jackson with the Nathan Jackson HOPE Fund for the September Recovery Month grant awarded in Q3[/caption]

The women at Next Step Recovery Housing thank ARCHway and Rhonda Jackson with the Nathan Jackson HOPE Fund for the September Recovery Month grant awarded in Q3
The women at Next Step Recovery Housing thank ARCHway and Rhonda Jackson with the Nathan Jackson HOPE Fund for the September Recovery Month grant awarded in Q3[/caption]
The Recovery Coalition of Greater St. Louis – St. Louis, MO.
This grant supports recovery housing in the Greater St. Louis area. This coalition is an affiliate of the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers (MCRSP).
Next Step Recovery Housing – Jacksonville, AR.
Next Step recovery housing is a safe & drug-free living environment that embraces multiple pathways to recovery. The grant will provide rent assistance and help with clothing, food, and transportation for the first 5 weeks at Next Step Recovery Housing. Next Step is enabling positive change for those impacted by substance use disorders!
Freedom Recovery Foundation – Independence, MO.
This grant was utilized for recovery housing for an individual who was in need of financial assistance.
Justified Ministries – Lehigh Acres, FL.
Justified Ministries provides a holistic mentoring program & housing to women that are being released from prison. Their services include an individualized mentoring program that includes spiritual development, recovery groups, financial literacy and coaching, health and wellness education, career and educational guidance, and more. The grant will be utilized for recovery workbooks and recovery educational aids.
Take Action Today – Illinois
The grant will be utilized to support the production of this Recovery Community Organization’s Recovery Lab Podcast. The mission of the podcast is to foster insightful and thought-provoking conversations about recovery. By providing a broader platform for programs and advocates to discuss their ideas and concepts, they hope to encourage, inspire, and connect people in recovery. This connection is at the heart of the recovery community as we grow stronger together.
New Foundations Transitional Living – Cincinnati, OH.
The mission of New Foundations is to layout the stepping stones from active addiction to a sturdy recovery by providing stability, accountability, community, and responsibility. They provide safe, sober, and supportive recovery housing opportunities to those suffering from SUD. They are utilizing the funds to help individuals come into their programs.