About ARCHway
The Mission of The ARCHway Institute for Mental Health and Addictive Disorders
Assisting those individuals suffering with a drug or alcohol addiction and co-existing mental health disorders by providing information and financial assistance, if needed, to such persons seeking treatment;
- Furthering education with respect to addiction and mental health disorders through funding of individuals and organizations involved in the study and research of mental health and addictive disorders or prevention activities; and,
- Sponsoring and/or holding programs, symposiums and lectures in order to educate those working in the field of mental health and addiction medicine, the families and friends of those suffering from addiction or other mental health issues, as well as those who are interested in learning more about addictions and mental health research and treatment.
By aiding those who want to be in recovery but are looking for resources (financial or informational) with their addiction and/or mental health disorder, the ARCHway Institute helps not only those affected, but also such person’s friends, family and the public at large.
The ARCHway Institute operates on an on-going basis throughout each year. The activities of the ARCHway Institute are funded through fundraising campaigns, donations and grants. There is no geographical restriction with respect to the disbursement of funds, so long as such disbursement does not conflict with Missouri State Law or Federal Law of the United States – i.e. recipients of assistance for addictions and mental health treatment may seek rehabilitation services from any provider, and funds will be paid directly to such provider, regardless of location. Further, there is no geographical restriction on where funding for symposiums, lectures or other research activities may be disbursed, so long as such disbursement does not violate Missouri State Law or the Federal Laws of the United States.
The ARCHway Institute was founded on the belief that education on the causes of, and treatments for, drug and alcohol addiction and co-existing mental health is the best path to understanding how these issues can affect each one of us and ultimately reduce or eliminate the stigma associated with drug and alcohol addiction and co-existing mental health disorders.
We accomplish this by holding symposiums, lectures, and training programs, as well as by helping individuals and families get the resources they need to successfully be in recovery.